Something that has become vastly annoying recently about Facebook is the sheer number of invites to add applications to a profile. The invites mechanism used to be a handy way to let your friends know about an application they might like, but unfortunately some application developers decided to abuse this process and force you to invite friends before you could use it. Eventually this lead to a situation where you could log in to your account and find a large number of invites waiting for you, many of them generated by badly behaved applications.
Unsurprisingly, this started to annoy users, and a group was set up "No, I will NOT invite 20 friends just to add your application!" to take action against this practice, including naming and shaming errant applications. Facebook then added a mechanism to be able to ignore all of the invites in one go, but for those of us who have developed applications which do behave themselves this could be a problem because our invites could be lost amoungst the dross. It would be interesting to know how many developers took the attitude of "if you can't beat them join them" in order to give their applications some chance of success.
Thankfully, Facebook have announced that they are taking measures to get rid of this practice and link the invites facilities available to developers with user feedback. Hopefully now the invites mechanism will become more useful again. The danger now is that this action might become too late. Habits are powerful things, if people have got into the habit of ignoring application requests their usefulness might be lost forever.
So if you see an invite or a news feed item from Course Profiles please give it positive feedback and that will help us a lot. If you don't want to invite people then don't, that is your right, we will never do anything to force or trick you into sending invites.